The Choice to Rejoice


Various sources estimate that an adult makes around 35,000 choices per day. Have you ever wondered why you’re so anxious? There ya go. 35,000 is a big number and yet I’d like to argue that one of the most important choices of the 35,000 is that of “rejoicing IN the Lord”.

You have the choice to rejoice. 

Anxiety is an American mental health epidemic. It ranks as the #1 issue for women and the #2 issue for men. Anxiety is a massive problem but please know this - anxiety is a signal, not a sin. Anxiety, just like fear, is not a sin. And speaking of fear, it’s important to know the difference between the two - anxiety and fear.

Max Lucado writes:

“Anxiety and fear are cousins but not twins. Fear sees a threat. Anxiety imagines one.”  - Max Lucado

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I plan to write about anxiety on Mondays, because I firmly believe that second to God, the most powerful thing in the universe is the mind. Pastor Craig Groeschel says: “Your life will always move in the direction of your strongest thoughts.” That is true of your life and your week, so on Mondays let’s get our minds “right”. To watch his sermon on this topic, CLICK HERE.

From a prison cell, the Apostle Paul writes: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” -Philippians 4:4 

Paul was “imprisoning in place”.  Yes, this is a term I made up, but think about the how powerful these words are knowing where he wrote them from. As for Paul, he began with praise, rejoicing in who God is in the midst of terrible circumstances. Having no idea what his future held, Paul knew who held the future. Paul countered every “what if” with the anxiety diffusing “I will” rejoice in the Lord. 

Today, rejoice IN God - but then again, the choice is yours.


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