Lent Devotional • Day 4


Thank you that You are trustworthy. Please strengthen my faith in You and please increase my capacity to trust You. Please help me in my unbelief and forgive me when I lean on my own understanding and reason. Help me to believe that You are faithful to keep Your promises.

Thank You that even when I make a mess of things, through my own sinful choices or when others have sinned against me, You are the God who sees me ~ You intervene and redeem me and my situation as I humble myself to You.

Thank You Jesus for being the end of the law. Thank You for being the perfect sacrifice for my sins. Please show me when and how I tend to put more faith in my own works other than in Your completed work on the cross. Please empower me by your Spirit to live a life that is pleasing to you ~ May my heart, my words, what I look at and where I go be pleasing in your sight, oh Lord.

In Jesus’ name, I pray Amen.


Lent Devotional • Day 3


Lent Devotional • Day 5