I love fall. I love the cool air, wearing hoodies and warming by a fire. I love the colors of fall, too. Watching the leaves change from green to fiery yellow, orange and bright red makes me amazed at God’s design of nature. It is so beautiful. How He thought of all of these amazing cycles of nature, I will never understand - but I’m sure glad that He did!
Psalm 1:3 tells us that those who delight in the Law of the Lord are like trees planted by streams of water. I love that imagery. A tree planted by water will reach its roots toward the water and have all it needs. It can grow strong and tall because its roots can grow deep and secure. A tree that has no main water source has to grow roots near the surface so that it can glean what water it can from the rains. That is all it has to grow with. Shallow roots often lead to trees that cannot stand up to the storms.
We are the same. We need a source of strength in order to grow and withstand the storms of life. We need our roots to reach deeply toward a source of life. Many people reach toward sources like wealth, fame, success, stability and even comfort. While they may bring temporary satisfaction, these will never support us when storms arise. When our roots are tested by winds of life, roots based on these things will give way to destruction, disaster and defeat.
BUT - when God and His Word are our source of life, our roots run deep and keep us grounded no matter what life brings. He is what we thirst for and stretch toward. He is what we need for life.
While the leaves of most trees in the fall eventually change from their vibrant colors to brown and fall to the ground, the leaves in this season do not signify the health of the tree. A healthy tree will go through storms and seasons of change. Its leaves will eventually turn brown and die. It will lose its leaves - most likely all of them. What truly signifies the health of the tree is where and how it is rooted.
How are you rooted?